In 1989, Michael J. Saylor, Sanju Bansal and Thomas Spahr founded MicroStrategy Incorporated, an American company that provides business intelligence, mobile software and cloud-based software. This company develops software to analyze internal and external data in order to help enterprises make data-driven decisions and optimize business processes.
What is MicroStrategy?
MicroStrategy is a Business intelligence software that allows users a wide range of data analytic capabilities.This business intelligence tool is widely used for deriving valuable insights from data in the form of visually insightful reports, charts as well as graphs. MicroStrategy is essentially a business intelligence software supporting interactive dashboards, highly formatted reports, scorecards, ad hoc queries and many other features relating to generation, sorting and distribution of reports that provide insight into past, present and future business trends.
MicroStrategy’s architecture can be utilized on premises with Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems or as a service in the Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure clouds. Its interfaces enable users to access MicroStrategy applications and services via the web, Windows, Mac and mobile devices.
What are the Main Features of MicroStrategy?
Some of the features offered by MicroStrategy are Data Discovery, Advanced Analytics, and Embedded BI among others. Below is a brief breakdown of these and other useful features that MicroStrategy beholds.
Data Discovery
Data Discovery is a part of the business intelligence process wherein the MicroStrategy software is able to connect and interact with any type of data source and gather big data from several sources to generate useful reports. The software gathers data from sources such as; cloud systems, relational sources, big data sources, flat files and many others. When Data Discovery is done right, it paves the way for data drilling in a seamless manner.
Data Wrangling
Data Wrangling refers to the process of cleaning and transforming data into a useful format that is easily deployed for extracting business insights as per the users needs. Different Data Wrangling techniques are utilized under this feature to create reports that are insightful and helpful for both business users and data scientists.
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis
MicroStrategy is a superb tool for incorporating a wider range of data mining and data modelling tools. As a result, these tools can be put to use together by a wide set of users such as; business users and analysts, to build and design reports that are predictive and easily accessible.
Library of Analytical functions
MicroStrategy offers a comprehensive library of functions such as; data mining, mathematical and financial functionalities, which are extremely useful in the building up of greatly interactive and informative reports and conducting statistical analyses.
Extensible Visualization Library
MicroStrategy has a great set of built-in and open source tools necessary for visualizing data. It is simple for you to deploy the visualization builder, or even to create a new visualization from scratch.
Real-time dashboards
MicroStrategy allows you to build platforms that provide real-time data monitoring through the deployment of real-time dashboards that can be controlled over any mobile device upon creation. This is helpful for entities to stay on top of business by monitoring information in real-time, and being able to schedule updates thus ensuring that you are working with the latest data.
Embedded BI
MicroStrategy offers a simplified integration kit that includes sample coding and documentation. The biggest advantage of using this business tool is that it can be seamlessly embedded into other tools and platforms such as; IBM, SharePoint, WebSphere, NetWeaver and so on.
How to Install MicroStrategy
Download the MicroStrategy free personal edition from the MicroStrategy desktop and fill in your personal details to register. Upon registration, the setup wizard will display a screen that allows you to install and setup the software, click “NEXT” on the pop-up screen. Once the installation is complete and successful, you are able to use MicroStrategy on your system.
In Conclusion
MicroStrategy is widely used because of its ease in connecting with existing enterprise applications plus systems, and the fact that it is completely scalable, reusable and offers centralized administration.
Has your organization deployed MicroStrategy?
Let the experts at ASB Resources see your organization through effectively implementing MicroStrategy. Schedule a call with one of our experts today!