Democratization Of Technology
In the past, only big businesses and government facilities had access to powerful computers and tools. Today, people have phones with the same power those original computers had and more. This is a perfect example of the democratization of technology.
You don’t have to be a tech wizard to run an analysis on public data because the tools to do so are in apps or toolkits that are easily customizable by the average Joe. There are increasingly more products that encourage users to give feedback to improve functionality and affordability.
More People Are Getting Involved in Technology
The early internet could only be accessed by top scientists at large universities due to the cost of setting up equipment and training engineers to run the machines. Nowadays, the internet is universally accessible if you have a connected device.
Participation in the use of technology has increased due to chat groups, user forums, blog, and vlog sites. More than ever, there are a variety of influences being considered when developing and improving tools, sites, and devices.
In today’s market technologies and platforms that focus on building and supporting user communities are the ones with the greatest success. This focus is manifested in features such as operational transparency, highly configurable/self-service enabled systems, and real time support for troubleshooting.
As inclusion increases, society must consider how technology interacts with aspects of everyday life. Sensitivity to culture, religion and history is becoming more important to the growth and survival of democratized technology. When apps are being released in different regions, certain words or images that may be taboo are replaced or completely removed.
Business at Your Fingertips
The ‘normal’ way of doing business involved a brick and mortar building to buy or sell something. Now, most business transactions happen virtually on websites or in apps that are more widely distributed and secure than a physical building.
Linking multiple applications allows customers to receive the full-service experience. They get customer care, product galleries, payment, and shipping all in one stop. This also allows functions that may have previously needed several professionally trained employees to be done by one person on their laptop at home.
It is not only very profitable to have a lean team run a business, but this also makes it affordable for customers. Goods and services are generally getting cheaper thanks to democratization of technology.
As time passes, companies that take advantage of these systems have seen huge growth over short periods of time. Uber and Amazon are only two examples of these so-called digital-native companies that are changing our general view of how businesses work.
Big Services to Small Businesses
Large enterprises that can tailor their products to fit the model of democratic technology are proving to be very profitable when targeting Small/Medium Businesses (SMB’s). The common avenues of tailoring services are through Cloud, Analytics, Social Media and Mobile solutions.
Using cloud services removes the need to set up storage equipment. You don’t have to buy powerful computers since cloud services allow you to ‘rent’ the capacity you need. This capacity can be used for powerful data analysis on preconfigured machine learning and Artificial Intelligence pipelines. Also, since this is online, customers can use these services almost anywhere at any time.
More Knowledge and Jobs
Many people lost their jobs in the global economic crisis of the late 2000’s and the more recent COVID-19 epidemic. However, the epidemic has also sped up adoption of remote working solutions made possible by democratized technologies.
There are apps available for communication by video, tracking productive time and maintaining the security of sensitive information. All inexpensive and easy to set up, making it easy for more talented individuals than ever to apply for well-paying jobs despite their circumstances.
From Legacy to Digital Native
One of the biggest motivations to move from legacy systems is increase market performance. This comes from better workforce management and customer insight. However, it is difficult to know how to transition your business from legacy systems to democratic digital ones.
Let the professionals at ASB Resources walk with you every step of the way in putting together a digital transition plan. Schedule a call with one of our experts today!