8 Reasons Remote Work Is Increasing The Talent Pool And Benefiting Employers
The COVID-19 pandemic initially made in person interviewing and hiring difficult while also making prospective employees wary of attending in-person interviews or new job assignments. Many companies continued to on-board new hires using remote tools and allowed a work from home environment as shelter in place regulations held for long periods.
As remote work has become more and more mainstream, companies are realizing that not only is the talent pool increasing and improving, but there are other benefits to this new work environment.
Below are eight reasons why your company should consider continuing remote working post pandemic:
Savings on All Sides
A remote employee costs less in terms of overhead for the company. In fact, according to Global Workplace Analytics, employers could save over $11,000 per year, per employee if they just worked from home half of the time.
Additionally, the employee saves time and money if they don’t have to commute. According to a study from FlexJobs, a remote worker typically saves about $4,000 a year by working from home. This is not only the cost saving from transportation, but also savings from not having to purchase a professional wardrobe and miscellaneous daily expenses like food and beverages.
Flexible Operating Procedures
There is no getting around the fact that some jobs may require in person/in office work occasionally, such as IT hardware maintenance roles.
Allowing such employees the opportunity to work from home, even part time, entices a prospective candidate as they just have to consider a few commutes per week/month instead of making a daily trek. This flexibility can radically increase the number and quality of candidates applying for a position.
Improved Work Conditions for Those with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities can find it challenging to commute from their homes to an office. There are many reasons for this including physical mobility and social anxiety. Allowing candidates that might traditionally not be inclined to work from an office the opportunity to work remotely benefits both parties.
As an employer the company is opening the talent pool to someone who is the most well suited to the job at hand, and from the employee perspective, working from a familiar, safe space allows them to perform at their best, and gives them the opportunity to be a part of a team without the added stress of a physical presence in the office.
Multi-tasking is Possible
Often professional candidates who are primary care givers for young children, the elderly or disabled persons are unable to take jobs that require a physical presence.
Remote work makes it possible for such qualified candidates to care for their loved ones while also contributing their expertise to a team.
Inclusive Hiring
A McKinsey report reported that ethnic and social diversity in the work place can increase profitability by over 30% for companies that embrace it over those that don’t.
Ethnic bias in hiring can be a challenge for employers without their knowledge. In person interviews have been reported to negatively affect the hiring rate of diverse candidates. Remote hiring and work reduce the chances of this bias.
Furthermore, the appearance of some talented individuals, such as body modifications (tattoos and piercings) may lead to bias on the part of the hiring manager or be against the company’s corporate appearance guidelines; yet these features have nothing to do with the qualifications of a candidate. Again, remote hiring and work can circumvent the company’s appearance guidelines and/or reduce the bias for these qualified candidates.
Distance Is Not A Problem
Sometimes the best talent for a position may be across state or national borders. The process of getting that candidate to relocate can be a prohibitive cost for the company. Instead of opting for a candidate who was not the first choice, but local, remote work allows companies to hire the best without incurring the cost of relocation.
Additionally, companies in rural or suburban areas can tap into the talent pool of urban areas using remote work tools and vice-versa. The ideal candidate may not want to move away from their current area for various reasons. This wish can be respected while accessing their talent and skills.
The Environment Is Safer
The reduction in commute times and expenses also has a net profit value for the environment. When fewer people commute, total fuel emissions from all forms of transportation are significantly reduced.
Are you looking to streamline your remote hiring and working processes? Let the experts at ASB Resources guide you to an effective strategy! Schedule a call with one of our experts today!